Friday 18 May 2012

Summer Soups And Salads

Nothing can be more refreshing and rejuvenating than chilled soups and salads on a hot summer day. After a long day of work on a typical summer day, the body is usually drained out and fatigued. With less energy to make a dish when back home, the best thing would be to resort to cold soup or salad that can be made in a jiffy. Such soups and salads are extremely nutritious, filling and above all, cooling. Many people can’t stomach the idea of cold soups for summers. Having one will be a pleasant surprise.

Feasting on heavy foods in summers has an adverse effect on the energy levels of the body. It leads to lethargy and consequent problems like weight gain, acidity and a lack of alertness. During summers, it’s highly recommended to have meals that are light and nutritious. Summer soups and salads are great for beating the heat and at the same time, they leave you feeling full for a long time. The direct effects that you will witness sooner or later are high energy levels and weight loss. Always start with a variety of leafy greens when making your salads and soups. Then aim for a rainbow of color to get the maximum number of health promoting nutrients. Choose red products for lycopene, orange for beta carotene, blue or purple for anthocyanins, and greens for cancer fighting properties.

Common summer soups are gazpacho soup, cold buttermilk and shrimp soup, chilled fruit soups, tomato based cold soups, zucchini soup, creamed broccoli soup, sweet and spicy soups with peas and sweet potatoes and many more. Gazpacho and cucumber soups are classics but it doesn’t hurt experimenting with different and new soups. For summer salads, grilled chicken salad with seasonal fruit, green feta salad, fruity green salad with pomegranate dressings etc are extremely refreshing and healthy. The trick is in blending fresh leafy greens, lean protein, whole grains and seeds to achieve maximum health benefits.

Raw food diets like that of soups and salads is low in sodium and saturated fat, and high in magnesium, potassium, folate, fiber and antioxidants. They help us keep a tab on our calorie intake, are light on the stomach, easy to prepare and are not heavy on the pocket either. Using a little bit of imagination can make the seemingly boring salads interesting to feast on. All you need to do is juggle a few ingredients, mix them with unusual dressings and voila! You are good to go.

If you are looking for yummy soups in Texas, contact Classic Foods. They are renowned to offer the best convenience food products like frozen soup, frozen sauces, side dishes and a lot more. They are located at 629 Mony, Ft. Worth, Texas 76102. You can also call them at 817.332.1071. 

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