Tuesday 11 December 2012

Making Delicious Hot Dogs At Home

The American hot dog is a hit all over the world. It has been estimated that Americans eat more than 20 billion hot dogs in a year. A hot dog is known by many names like frankfurter, wiener or bologna. Hot dogs are prepared with a variety of ingredients. Generally, hot dogs are made of lamb, chicken, beef, pork, turkey or tofu (for the vegetarians). The seasonings may include coriander, garlic, ground mustard, nutmeg, salt, sugar, and white pepper. The fat content also varies in the hot dogs depending on whether the meat is with or without skin. A hot dog can be as small as 2 inches or big like the popular foot-long hot dogs.

The frankfurter is supposed to have originated in Frankfurt, Germany. During the 1850s, the Germans used to make thick, soft, and fatty sausages which are now called ‘franks’. It seems that during the latter half of the eighteenth century, the German immigrants used to sell hot dogs along with milk rolls and sauerkraut, from pushcarts in New York City's Bowery.

In America, every region has its own style of making the hot dog. The hot dog that you will find in a New York sidewalk cart consists of nothing fancy. Just brown mustard and onions cooked in tomato paste are used as the extra ingredients in these hot dogs. On the other hand, in some areas you will find hot dogs adorned with melted cheese, sauerkraut or coleslaw.

Nowadays it is very easy to have hot dogs sitting in the comfort of our homes. Ready-to-eat and frozen hot dogs are readily available in the market. Hot dogs can be safely stored in a sealed packet  for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Frozen hot dogs can be stored for about 1 or 2 months.  These hot dogs are cooked before packaging but you still have to cook them before serving. For best results, you must defrost the hot dogs in the microwave for about five minutes. Then you can boil, grill or fry accordingly as per your taste.

Hot dogs are a favorite of everyone these days irrespective of age and gender. The numerous varieties make us savor a different hot dog each time we have one. On the other hand, there are some people who just stick to one variety that they are fond of. Whatever the case may be, hot dogs are sure to stay at the top on the list of food-lovers.