Thursday 19 April 2012

Chilled Soups For Summers

Nothing can be lovelier than a bowl of cold soup on a hot sweltering summer day. Chilled summer soups are the perfect thing that a wilted body, mind and soul need on a hot day of summer. They immediately invigorate a famished body and are an excellent source of vitamins and anti-oxidants. Loaded with seasonal vegetables, they are highly satisfying and nutritious. You can easily treat yourself with a good dose of fresh, colorful, seasonal fruits and vegetables in cold soups.

Even though chilled soups have been around for many years, they are gaining popularity globally more than ever. This popularity could be attributed to health awareness amongst people and a general preference for ethnic cuisines. The awareness about cold soups is catching up fast as most of the people are getting over the pre-conceived notions about soups. Soups were always thought of as something warm that’s savored only in winters. On seeing the soothing effect of cold soups in summers, people find them equally appealing.

A common ingredient in chilled soups is tomatoes. They are rich in vitamin C and are a great source of potassium and a powerful antioxidant called lycopene, which has been found to reduce the risk of cancer. Fresh fruits are also used to make chilled summer soups. Fruit soups are a great way to concentrate and blend unique flavors. Fruits commonly used in chilled soups are watermelons, blueberries and peaches. Fruit soups are very diverse and can be used both as appetizers and dessert. Other ingredients that make wonderful cold soups are potatoes, carrots, ginger, asparagus, eggs, peas etc. Some soups also contain sparse amounts of oil and vinegar.

When making a cold soup, there is no limit to how creative one can get. You can experiment with new combinations and come up with unique flavors. Try adding a touch of pepper to watermelon soup for a sweet and savory combination. A dash of mint also does wonders to a simple vegetable soup. Chilled soups need no expertise and there is no rigidity in the way they are prepared. All that’s required is a flair for different tastes. Cold soups are a healthy and refreshing alternative to unhealthy soft drinks in summers. They are delicious, easy and cheap to make and perfect starters for dinner or for outdoor eating, picnics and barbecues as they can easily be carried in a flask.

If you are looking for yummy soups in Texas, contact Classic Foods. They are renowned to offer the best convenience food products like frozen soup, frozen sauces, side dishes and a lot more. They are located at 629 Mony, Ft. Worth, Texas 76102. You can also call them at 817.332.1071. 

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